國別 | 標準號 | 中文題名 | 英文題名 |
中國 | GB 19082-2009 | 醫用一次性防護服技術要求 | Technical requirements for single-use protective clothing for medical use |
GB/T 20097-2006 | 防護服一般要求 | Protective clothing - General requirements | |
YY 0318-2000 | 醫用診斷X射線輻射防護器具.第3部分:防護服和性腺防護器具 | Protective device against diagnostic medical X-radiation.Part 3:Protective clothing and protective devices for gonads | |
YY/T 0506.1-2005 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第1部分:製衣廠、處理廠和產(chan) 品的通用要求 | Surgical drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 1:General requirements for manufacturers,processors and products | |
YY/T 0506.2-2016 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第2部分:性能要求和試驗方法 | Surgical drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods | |
YY/T 0506.4-2016 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第4部分:幹態落絮試驗方法 | Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment. Part 4: Test method for linting in the dry state | |
YY/T 0506.5-2009 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第5部分:阻幹態微生物穿透試驗方法 | Surgical drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 5:Test method for resistance to dry microbial penetration | |
YY/T 0506.6-2009 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第6部分:阻濕態微生物穿透試驗方法 | Surigical drapes,gowns and clean air suits,used as medical devices,for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 6:Test method to determine the resistance to wet bacterial penetration | |
YY/T 0506.7-2014 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第7部分:潔淨度-微生物試驗方法 | Surgical drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 7:Test methods for determination of cleanliness-mircrobial | |
YY/T 0506.8-2019 | 病人、醫護人員和器械用手術單、手術衣和潔淨服 第8部分:產(chan) 品專(zhuan) 用要求 | Surgical drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 8-Special requirements for products | |
YY/T 0689-2008 | 血液和體(ti) 液防護裝備.防護服材料抗血液傳(chuan) 播病原體(ti) 穿透性能測試.Phi-X174噬菌體(ti) 試驗方法 | Clothing for protection against contact with blood and body fluids.Determination of resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood-borne pathogens.Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage | |
YY/T 0699-2008 | 液態化學品防護裝備.防護服材料抗加壓液體(ti) 穿透性能測試方法 | Clothing for protection against liquid chemicals.Determination of the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by liquids under pressure | |
YY/T 0700-2008 | 血液和體(ti) 液防護裝備.防護服材料抗血液和體(ti) 液穿透性能測試.合成血試驗方法 | Clothing for protection against contact with blood and body fluids.Determination of the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and body fluids.Test method using synthetic blood | |
YY/T 1425-2016 | 血液和體(ti) 液防護裝備.防護服材料抗血液和體(ti) 液穿透性能測試.合成血試驗方法 |
上一篇:手套相關(guan) 國內(nei) 外標準 |